Here’s the truth…

All the supplements, dietary changes, manual therapies - they’ve only taken you so far because they aren’t getting to the root of the issue… Homeopathy goes deeper, it looks at you as a whole and stimulates your body to do the work, instead of manipulating it to stop sending you signals (aka symptoms) just to help you get through the day.

When you want a long-term solution to chronic disease, paying attention to those signals your body is giving you is essential. Through homeopathy and time tested protocols, you can begin stimulating your body to do what it was always meant to do, heal itself!

By giving you a homeopathic toolkit, we can get you on your way to feeling like yourself again.

A homeopathic approach to chronic disease is focused on uprooting the cause of symptoms rather than temporarily suppressing them, and I’m here to guide you in the process.


We’ll start with a FREE 15 minute Information Call.

This will help us determine if homeopathy is the right approach for you and if I’m the right homeopath for you. If you choose to move forward, we’ll schedule your New Client Consultation next.

New Client Consultation (1 hour) 

Each initial consultation consists of an in-depth personal interview, which includes a review of your intake questionnaire, current presenting symptoms, and any concerns you are looking to address. Based on our conversation, I’ll craft a homeopathic schedule specific to your needs and get that to you within 1-2 business days, then plan to follow up in 8 weeks. The goal is to allow the homeopathic remedies enough time to see a shift. At the 8 week follow up we assess the progress and continue or adjust your plan as needed.

  • 1 hour in-depth session via Zoom
  • Discuss your concerns and health needs
  • Establish a baseline to assess progress in future sessions
  • Custom written plan with homeopathic schedule

Follow-Up Consultations (30-45min) 

Each follow-up consultation will serve as a check point to assess your progress on the current remedy schedule. We will start by discussing any positive shifts you’ve experienced, any new presenting symptoms, and make any adjustments necessary. This may sometimes look like decreasing/increasing the frequency of a remedy, adding/removing a remedy, or continuing on the path we are on.

  • 30-45 min session via Zoom
  • Discuss your progress and any changes needed
  • Written plan with any necessary adjustments

Acute Consultations (15 - 20 min) 

An acute consultation would be for an isolated, short-term condition that have a natural beginning and end, such as colds, flus, injuries, etc. The goal of these sessions is to guide you in selecting the correct remedies for the condition you are dealing with, so we will briefly discuss the presenting symptoms and I’ll recommend the best options to choose from. I will also be available via email/chat for up to 10 days as you recover.

NOTE: Because acute conditions can progress and change at a faster pace, it is recommended that you own a remedy kit, or have easy access to purchase remedies.

REMEMBER: I am not a medical doctor therefore if you have emergency concerns or symptoms that warrant medical intervention, you should head to the ER and be seen by the appropriate medical staff.

  • 15-20 minutes - via phone, or zoom
  • Discuss your current symptoms
  • Text/chat homeopathic recommendations
  • Up to 10 days of text/chat support as you recover


Chronic conditions do not appear over-night and therefore cannot be expected to be uprooted over-night. While many clients begin to see changes within those first 8 weeks, depending on the condition it can take many months for conditions to be totally resolved. Because of that I offer a subscription model, I want you to think of me as your personal homeopath and be able to afford and plan for your care without any surprises.

The subscription model covers your New Client Consultation, your Follow-Up Consultations, any Acute Consultations that you may need, and will lock in your price as long as your subscription remains active.

Subscription Plan - $150 up front, $100 each month after until cancelled.


  • New Client Consultation
  • Monthly check-in (via email or tex)
  • Follow-Up Consultations every 8 weeks
  • Email/text support for acute conditions at no additional cost
  • Access to specialized homeopathic pharmacy
  • No price increase as long as subscription remains active

Stand Alone Consultations

  • New Client Consultations - $175
  • Follow-Up Consultations - $150
  • Acute Consultations - valued at $75 but currently only available as part of the subscription plan.

Looking forward to working with you, if you have questions feel free to contact me or schedule an info call, talk soon!
